Saturday, January 28, 2017

Canyon Ranch

My week at the Canyon Ranch with my Dad was a lot of fun. We did a lot of yoga and other various exercise classes, and ate really healthy, delicious foods.
              The exercise classes were a lot of fun, except for when I got stuck in yoga meant for people who are too old to do real yoga. I thought it was going to end up being something else. Instead, we did modified poses with a chair, and I was the youngest in the room by at least fifty years.
              The food was amazing! Every meal got better and better, and you could order as much of it as you wanted, because it was all healthy. There was no butter or salt on anything, so they replaced the salt shakers with spices, which I thought was interesting.

              We went on a beautiful hike, learned to make fire, and had a great relaxing week. It was an awesome time, and not something I will not soon forget. Now I am in Montana where I am hanging out with my family and skiing, which is also a lot of good fun. 

Friday, January 20, 2017

Road Trip part 1

The road trip has gone well so far. We started it off by visiting the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for some snowy off-roading, which was spectacular. Now, I’m not that into off-roading, but I still had a lot of fun.
              Some of the highlights were when one guy put a deer head on a stick and called it Hank. It was just chillin’ there in the middle of the woods. They kept it warm with a hat and some sunglasses.
              We only got really stuck one time. It took two tug ropes, another truck, and 15 men with shovels to get us un-stuck. During this hour, I sat back with my seat warmer on and enjoyed my front seat view of the show.
              After the 720 miles off off-roading in the frigid weather of the UP, my dad and I flew to Arizona to warm up. We went to Barrett Jackson, where I successfully prevented him from buying more cars. We saw lots of cool cars and trucks. It was a lot of fun. I’m learning a lot about cars, to say the least.
              Yesterday, I got the chance to visit my old school, SRA. I started the day with my good friend Lesa, who took me on a walk with her enormous pit bull, Coby. It was a lot of fun. Coby decided to avoid all the large puddles until the very last second, where he walked through the entirety of the largest puddle he could find and got poor Lesa’s car very dirty.
              After that, I got to meet lots of dogs, including one that was half cayote and some tiny little Chihuahua puppies.

              We then went out to breakfast and visited SRA. It was so strange seeing everyone from the other side of things. It was awesome being able to see my good friends and just hang out with them like old times. It was also very odd to see how many changes the place had made within the one month I’ve been gone. I had a lot of fun though. Any day where you get to hang out with your friends and pet 13 dogs is a good day. 

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Let me start off by saying, I know I am good at a lot of things. I don’t mean to sound arrogant, but it is true. There are lots of things I am good at. Skiing is not one of those things.
              It is for that reason that my dad found a place for me to volunteer instead of skiing. I spent two days volunteering at an animal shelter in Utah and basically just playing with dogs and cats, until we realized it is not as fun as it sounds. I’m not saying I don’t like hard work; the problem wasn’t that. The issue was that there was no work for me to do. At all. I walked the dogs once a day and occasionally mopped up some pee. That’s it. The rest of the day I sat around doing nothing! Now, I’m also not telling you not to volunteer, it’s just that this place had enough staff that actually knew what they were doing to run the place without volunteers. They simply didn’t need me.
              So, I tried skiing again. Now, skiing terrifies me, but there is no better way to get over a fear than to face it head on. It was cold. When I say cold, I mean a high of 11 degrees. It was very sunny and clear, with no snow, so I was able to ski just fine. I got back to the same skill level I was at before in no time. I actually had fun just skiing and hanging out with my dad. It was a full and tiring day, but it was worth it.
              My dad and I also had a lot of fun cooking really healthy meals together. We made lots of good Italian and Mexican food, and underestimated how much rice grows when you cook it. 

              Now, we are preparing for the next leg of our journey. Next week, we’ll be driving to the upper peninsula in Michigan to drive around in the snow with a bunch of other trucks. I’m looking forward to it and think it’ll be really fun.