The last few weeks of my Irish Adventure changed my life forever. As many of you know, I have wanted a dog for many years. In Ireland, while volunteering at a horse rescue, my wish came true.
Life isn't easy. All of us go through hard times now and then. I understand this all to well. I've made it through a lot in my life, even in just the past few years. It was no wonder I fell in love with a little doggy who had been through a lot, just like me.
We were visiting a horse rescue - 'Hungry Horse Outside' if you would like to donate - where the group wanted to volunteer. Hilary, one of the people who works at the rescue, works every single day of the year in order to care for these rescued horses.
When she invited us into the house for tea, we met a little doggy with no name. She pawed at me, so I picked her up and put her on my lap. She just about fell asleep right there. She was trusting and loving right off the bat.

Hilary explained to me what poor shape this little girl had come in. She had had no hair on her ears or face, and almost died twice in the care of the shelter.
The next time we went to the rescue, the whole group came along. We wrangled some sheep, and brushed ponies for the day. Fiona of Whitehill eco farm was determined for me to bring this little girl home, and when Fiona puts her mind to something, it happens.
We brought her home that day, and the next thing we needed to do was give her a name. Shane, a member of the group, mentioned that 'saoirse' means freedom in Gaelic. Since my parents agreed I should name her something Irish, and everyone seemed to approve, that's what we went with!
The day we brought Saoirse home was one of the best days of my life. I have Fiona and my parents, and of course Hilary, to thank for that.
In the next few weeks, Saoirse got adjusted to life in Bundrowes house. We had many walks on the beach and field trips in the bus. Saoirse even got to spend two weeks with aunty Fiona and her best friend, Puppy!

We had to say goodbye to Ireland, and now she is safely living at home with me in the USA. There are no beaches here, but she gets lots of walks and is doing her job. You see, we did not go into this lightly. She is my emotional support animal. In August, if everything goes to plan, she will even be coming to college with me.
Saoirse is home and made my last few weeks in Ireland that much more amazing. Thanks to all the people who helped get her home!